Saturday, 28 December 2024


 Mark Brown, the Current Prime Minister of Cook Islands is pushing for a separate Cook Island's Passport.

Cook Islanders are all New Zealand citizens and use

New Zealand Passports.

The Cook Islands is in free association with New Zealand and also uses the NZ Dollar.


While some view Mr. Brown's push as helping Cook Islanders....

Others still have Questions.

We are aware that Mr. Brown worked in Beijing as a Diplomat before entering Politics.

We do also know that he has not only worked in telecommunications before and has helped push the Manatua One Polynesia Cable.

We are also aware that money from China and the Asian Development Bank had helped fund;

* Seaports in the Cook Islands.

* Airports in the Cook Islands.

* Telecommunication Developments in the Cook Islands.

ALL WHILE Mr. Brown's Party, the CIP has been in power.

 (The CIP's opponents are also strongly Pro-China but it is the CIP who have helped lead the above upgrades using Chinese Money).


We are all clear too that having a separate passports MAY have many reasons but often that is so a country can do more business for itself, overseas.


There are questions for Mr. Brown to answer not just for the nearly 18000 people in the Cook Islands but also the hundreds of thousands of Cook Island people living in New Zealand.


Indeed there has been some pushback from NZ in terms of Cook Islands having a separate psssport... as it essentially means they would be fully independent. 

Thursday, 19 December 2024



Te Tono o TeRata Boldy e pa ana

Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill 2024



E te Mana Whakahaere, e te Heamana e James, Tena Koe.

Tena ano koutou nga mema katoa o te Komiti Paremata o te Tika me te Pono


E Takutai, ki te kore ou hoa, I runga tonu te Komiti nei, e marama nei ki te Te Reo, o tenei taku tono…. Mau… ma nga kaimahi hoki, enei korero e whakapakeha … heoi … kaore au mo te huri te Reo Pakeha.



Aku Hiahia:










Aku Korero Whakamarama me aku whakaaro:


He uri ahau no Ngapuhi Nui Tonu. Ko taku hapu ko Ngati Korokoro.

‘Kei reira hoki ko Te Pouka, ko Ngati Wharara.

Kei tou matou ake whenua a Kupe i tae, I tona taenga tuatahi ki konei.

I taua wa tonu a Hine-te-Aparangi (Kuramarotini ki etahi) I kii ai “He Ao, He Ao, He Aotearoa” ko nga whenua tonu o ou matou hapu, tera i kitea.


He paanga ano ki nga hapu, otira te Iwi o Ngati Whatua, kei Kaipara.


He paanga ano ki a Ngati Maru ki Hauraki.


He paanga ano ki a Ngai Tai, kei Torere Nui a Rua.



Tuatahi, kei reira ra, te timatatanga o nga korero.


Kaore ano kua ea te taha o te Taunga Kereme, o nga Taunga o te Tiriti o Waitangi, e pa ana ki te nuinga o matou…


Heoi, ko te tino KINO o te Pire Takahi Tiriti nei…


Kua katia nga taringa, nga ringaringa otira te ngakau o te Karauna e pa ana ki a Ngapuhi.


Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi NUI TONU O TE MOTU. Kahore ano a Ngapuhi kua mutu ona Taunga Kereme, otira ona taunga Tiriti….


Ta tenei Pire Takahi Tiriti … I katia… I kapi te korero…


Ka whakamoea te Pire kino nei, te taha ki te Karuana kia whakarongo ki a Ngapuhi!!!!


E kii ra!!!


He kino tera ahuatanga…


Ka huri te Pire nei, I te Karauna kia turi.. kia katia o taringa ki nga pouri… ki nga karanga o Ngapuhi!!!


Ko te mea ‘roro-kore’ o te kaituhi o te Pire….


He uri ia no matou….


Ko tana hapu ko Ngati Rehia….


Ona ngakau-teka… ngakau-hee ia…


Kaapoo ona kanohi ki te aueee o tana ake hapu….


Ko te kino rawa o te kaituhi o te Pire nei….


Mauiui haere te matua o Ngati Rehia…


Kahore rawa te kaituhi o te Pire nei….


E kitea… e marama ana ki te whiu o nga makutu e taka taka ana ki ona ake kuia …ona ake kaumatua o Ngati Rehia…


He hua era whiu… o ona mahi kuare kua titiia ki roto tonu i tenei Pire Takahi Tiriti.




Tapiri atu ki teera,


Ko nga kupu tonu o te Tiriti o Waitangi nga korero hei whakamarama i a ia ano, ara;


“Tohungia ki nga Rangatira, te rangatiratanga o ou ratou wenua”


“Kia mau I a RATOU te rongo me te atanoho”


Ka mutu, kei nga rarangi runga runga rawa o te Tiriti nga korero mo tenei mea te ‘mahara atawai’.


He mahara atawhai era ki a wai, a, ko te Tiriti i kii atu ko nga Hapu o Nu Tirani.


Aua, kupu o runga, ehara na TeRata kao.


Na Wiremu Hopihana aua kupu, naana ano i tuhi.



Ka mutu penei nga korero o Hopihana;


Na ko te Kuini (Wikitoria o Ingarani) e hiahia kia wakaritea te Kawanatanga kia kaua ai nga kino e puta mai ki te tangata maori ki te Pakeha e noho ture kore ana.


Ano, ehara aua kupu na TeRata e kao.

He kupu eera no Hopihana tonu.


Kei te u au, taku tono ano hoki ki ta enei korero tonu o Hopihana.

Ka whakairi katoa oku whakaaro ki ta Hopihana, me ana whakaritenga.


He aha ra te mana o tetahi Kapitana i roto i te Nawi, ara, I enei ra ko te Taua Moana.


Ko tana turanga, koia ko te kaihautu, koia te Rangatira o tana Waka, he Waka Taua mo te Pakanga.


Mo te taha ki a Hopihna, he Kapitana ia i raro tonu te mana o tana ake Rangatira, ara ko te Kuini.


Na te Kuini ia i tuku, hei ‘Kawanatanga’ kia karo i te kino o Pakeha, kia kaua aua kino e pa ki  nga hapu.


Na te aha i pera?

 Na te mahara atawhai o te Kuini, Kuini Wikitoria o Ingarani KI NGA HAPU.



Mama noaiho te kite….


Kei reira katoa nga matapono o te Tiriti!!!!


Ara, ma Hopihana e tiaki i nga hapu.


Koia tera ko te matapono o te kaitiakitanga.


Ka mutu e kore e taea tetahi te tiakina i tetahi atu, ina kore raua e mahitahi ana.


He matapono ano tera, ara ko te mahitahi.





Ka mutu kei te wahanga tuarua o te Tiriti te matapono mutunga ara ko te whakahoahoa.


Hei ta ‘te tuarua’ ko nga Rangatira o nga hapu, nga Rangatira o nga wenua, o ratou kainga me ou ratou taonga’.


Ta Hopihana turanga, he turanga ‘Kawana’ engari ma nga Rangatira ano to ratou turanga, ara ko ‘Nga Rangatira’.



Koutou o te Komiti o te Pono me te tika….


Kei reira nga mataapono;








Ta te Pire e kia ana ma tenei Pire Takahi Tiriti nga matapono e ‘whakamarama’….


Heoi, kaore take… ina kei te Tiriti tonu me te Pire o 1975 me nga taunga o te Taraipiunara o te Waitangi me nga mahi o nga Roia o te motu mo enei tau maha nei… ma te pera


Nga matapono tonu i whakamarama.


Engari ka u hoki au ki taku e mea ana,




E te Heamana otira, koutou katoa o te Komiti o te Tika me te Pono;


Ina kaore e whakaae te Taraipiunara o Waitangi…


Ina kaore e whakaae te Tahuu o te Ture….


Ina kaore e whakaae te Kahui Tika Tangata…


Otira nga Kaikaunihera o Te Arikinui Kiingi Tiare III e 40, e whakahee hoki i te Pire nei…


Ka huri ahau ki ou ratou mana ano hoki.



Waiho te pire, kaua rawa e tautokona i a ia i te Panuitanga Tuarua… Kao. Waiho!!!


Toitu te Reo.

Toitu te Whenua.




TeRata Boldy


Kaiako Kura Kaupapa Aho Matua

Kaiako Kapa Haka

Raukura o Awanuiarangi me Te Wananga Amorangi

Kai-rangahau Matauranga Maori o Awanuiarangi (I roto hoki te mana o Hoani Tapu)

Tauira o te Pihopatanga o Te Hahi Mihingare o Te Tai Tokerau


Translation to follow

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

100th Entry... Also reflections

 (TW: Trauma, Hurt, Fear, Worry, Sexuality, Marginalization)


11 years of Blogging. Wow!!!

And, what may be my 100th Entry. WOW!!!


I do want to use this space ... given that it's mine to write about things.

First of all... as if...

Research Life... Balancing Work... Whanau Life etc 

Was not enough....

Once again....

Other things creep in!!!!

I have been in and out of Church for YEARS!!!

And many different churches.

Often... having to move... too...

Some times because of theology...

But one core issue that has impacted my membership and participation in Churches over many years has been... hokakatanga... takātapuitanga.

In some instances it has meant the approach of Conversion Therapy!!!!

In other cases... tacit punitive action dressed up as 

"Loving concern" but more an exercise on the Churches part to protective a "Conservative public image"


The latter in very very recent years.

That same Church has a REALLY TOXIC Dangerous approach... because frankly while they let some

Of the obvious ones like Brian Tamaki spout Conservatism...

They IN ACTUAL FACT... Hold the same position,

 but tacitly. And in fact... while they DON'T March in the Streets or jump on the airwaves...

Their tactics like "quietly taking people of the Music stage" or "Giving people a break from Serving" is


That Church knows who it is.... I won't say the name... But they do share Theological Whakapapa

And literal history with Destiny... as... NZs other "Apostolic Movement".


Any way...

That church joins a long list of Churches I had to withdraw from as it was unsafe for mainly that reason.


Right NOW!!!!

Today in August 2024...

I worship in another tradition altogether.

One... in the throes of approaching the whole conversation of Hokakatanga.

They are brave and courageous!!!

I applaud the Anglican Communion across the world for being brave enough to approach this.

YES... There are varied views and major issues.

BUT As a Communion... they are at a

Communion Level (International)

Provincial Level (National)

Diocesan Level (Regional)

And Parish Level (Local) ...

Approaching the Conversation.



I utterly APPLAUD!!!!!!


I only offer...

A prayer... that we manaaki all involved.

I for one... pray that for us...

And for me too...

As presently... things are getting a bit tough...

Being in this conversation.


I do have personal supports...

But yeah... 

Would appreciate all levels and types of Christian

Support, Prayer and Love...

As things are a bit full right now.... as we walk through these spaces.

Thursday, 5 January 2023



Following last month's,  Auckland Council Budget Vote, Many Aucklanders are worried about job losses and loss of community Assets.

Mayor Wayne Brown plans to sell the Councils shares in both the Auckland Airport and Ports of Auckland.

At a Community Level, some Councillors have expressed worry over facilities like OMAC in South Auckland. 

Community Leaders like Hadleigh Pouesi appeared on Breakfast last month, expressing his worry of West Auckland Youth Centre, Zeal.


Mayor Brown has said his plan will save Millions for Auckland Council.

Concerned Aucklanders worry that vulnerable communities are being treated like fodder for the Mayor's grand schemes.

Residents in Auckland fear that the Mayors plan could cause hundreds even thousands of job losses, causing grave concern during a Cost of Living Crisis.

Parents are worried too because the Mayor plans to close the Kauri Kids ECE Centres which care for vulnerable babies and young children across Auckland.

Residents are fed up and are planning to protest.

SAVE AUCKLAND is a group set up to try combat the Council's Asset Sales and Closures plans.

The first protest will be in Manurewa, South Auckland tommorow at 11am.

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Tena Koutou Iwi Tapu

 I te ingoa o te Matua, o te Tama, o te Wairua Tapu, Tena ano taatou.

He uri a Paapa, no te hapu o Ngati Hikairo ki Manaia. Ko Ngati Maru to matou Iwi.

He uri a Maama, no Ngai Tai ara ko Torere, ko Matata. Tuturu, he paanga hoki ki a Ngati Rangi kei Ngawha. Tona karani paapa no Ngati Hinga, no Ngati Torehina kei Kaihu, ara kei Ngati Whatua. I whanau mai a Maama kei nga rekereke o tana kuia, kei Hokianga. Ko Te Mahurehure, ko Ngati Korokoro ona hapu. Ko Ngapuhi tona Iwi.

Ou matou paanga tauiwi ko nga Hurae, ko Piripina kei Ahia, ko Kotimana, ko Weera, ko Ingarangi ano hoki.

Tena ano taatou katoa.


Nga mate kei a koutou, kei a matou hoki o te ra, o te wiki, o te marama, o te tau e takoto ana ki nga marae. Koutou nga hunga mate, haere, haere haere.

Hoki mai ki a matou nga hunga ora, nga waihotanga o ratou maa, Tena ano taatou.


Koia puu, kua whakatakoto e au i aku paanga katoa ki nga topito o te motu nei, otira o te ao whanui.

He mahi whakawhanaungatanga tenei. Kaore au no Iwi Tapu. No whanau kee, hapu kee, Iwi kee au. No Haahi kee atu hoki. E whakawhanaunga ahau ki a koutou.



Enei kupu, ma koutou.

Ma koutou ou koutou pepeha, purakau ake o Iwi Tapu e takina.

Korero mo to koutou maunga, mo ou koutou awa, mo to koutou moana. Korero mai mo to koutou na waka.

Kei hea teera maunga? Kei hea to koutou awa, moana raini? Kei hea to koutou waka?

Ko wai nga hapuu kei waenganui i a koutou. Ko wai nga marae kei waenganui i a koutou?

Korero mai mo to koutou marae.

Era mea katoa. Korero mai, korero mai, korero mai.

Korero mai mo to koutou rangatira. Ko wai ia?

Mohio pai ko wai te tohunga, engari, ko wai kee ko to koutou rangatira. Rerekee era.

Whakaarohia mo Tainui, ko Hoturoa te tangata, engari ko Hape, ko Rakataura te tohunga?

He aha ta koutou o Iwi Tapu?

Ano ra te patai, mo nga kai korero, me whai tonu ratou i ta Iwi Tapu korero nahenahe?

Whakataha pea i te ratou ake pepeha?

Tera pea kei te whai ou koutou kaikorero i nga mea e rua, te taha Iwi Tapu me ta ratou ake Pepeha?

He aha ta koutou i korero ai? He aha ta koutou i whai ai?

Korero mai, korero mai, korero mai.

Thursday, 20 January 2022


 As early as April 2021, Manurewa Marae was recognised as a Vaccination Centre. 

It has received acclaim for it's efforts in the Vaccine Rollout in Counties Manukau. 

Manurewa Marae has been part of the biggest rollout in Auckland. 


On the other hand, A Church Leader whose headquarters is in Manurewa has been at the Forefront of the Anti Vaccination Agenda leading several protests to propogate that failed cause.

That Church Leader has now been arrested and is being held in remand at Mt. Eden Correctional Facility.


The Marae was 1.25 Million Taxpayer Dollars on top of Health Funding for all the Vaccinations done.

Despite Receiving over A million dollars in Taxpayer money for Vaccinations performed,

Shockingly the Marae has gone in support of the Anti Vaccination Propaganda Machine causing chaos and disturbance at Mt. Eden. 

Mt. Eden Residents have reported that the Protestors are defecating at Local Businesses AND in the Bushes 


Manurewa Residents and People connected to the Marae are now asking....

What kind of confused mess is happening at the Marae ?????

Saturday, 16 October 2021

E te Apotoro - Oh Apostle

 E te Apotoro, E Brian

If truly, we believe what Apostle John writes, that his master Jesus, is "The Way, The Truth and The Life", and if Apostle John's master is ALSO Our Master, then we must also believe this of Jesus, that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. 

If we understand what Apostle Paul wrote in the Letter to the Church in Corinth about who the "God of this world" is, and that, that one is not our friend, but our enemy. That the God of this world is the Adversary of not just believers, but of all people.

If we follow as Jesus directs in the writings of Apostle Matthew to "Seek first the Kingdom" knowing that "all else" will come after that.

And if we follow Apostle Paul's direction in his letter to the Church in Philippi to "pray about everything".

If we hear the words of Jesus about "Praying to be seen of others" as written by Apostle Matthew, where Jesus calls such loud people "Hypocrites".

And if we understand that even after events like the Martyrdom of Stephen, there were no loud protests from Christians.


Than the writings and deeds of Biblical Apostles, present you and your followers with a few questions.

Do YOU also truly believe that Jesus actually is the Way, the Truth and the Life?

Is a Believer's life supposed to be easy?

Should Believers blame the Government or anyone else if their life is not easy?

Is blaming Earthly Governments for what they do or not do; "seeking first the Kingdom"?

Is any response other than "prayer" appropriate for believers?

Is it the duty of believers to loudly decry the evils of this world or it's Governments?

Are the believers in 2021 wiser and better than the first century church that our reactions are different than the the first century church?

Brian, have you been wise as a believer?

Have you as a believer shown light to the world?

The Apostle James directs those who seek wisdom to ask God.

Did you as a believer, Ask God?

Or did you Brian, disregard Apostle James's Warning and "find fault"?


These are all questions for reflection.


See, here is the thing. Lockdown has been tough. Covid19 and it's effects are tough. Yes, the economy is not at full strength and so some people have little or no work. And yes, aside from other obvious things, Mental Health of so many is indeed taking a massive hit because of Covid19 and Lockdowns.

You can see that. So can I. We all know that stuff. It is clearly tough.

Indeed an increase in violence on the roads and in neighbourhoods is all clear to see for anyone.

It is very hard out there.


Knowing all that then;

I humbly offer that it is not your response that has exemplified the




I know for sure it has been other Christians doing that.

Other Christians just keep preaching God's word. They keep praising and worshipping. They keep singing, they keep praying, they stay devoted to study of God's Word.

They have done this EVERY DAY Of The Week. They have turned their churches in to Food Warehouses. They have rolled up their sleeves and have sent out food packs across our vulnerable communities.


Finally, I offer this.

The Apostle Paul like you faced Charges and was sent to Prison.

But Apostle Paul did NOT face Prison for decrying Rome, Rome's idolatry, Rome's Emperor Worship, Rome's Immorality or anything else. Apostle Paul had not whipped protest against Imperial Rome. Apostle Paul did not organise calculated Civil disobedience against Caesar.

Apostle Paul faced prison because he believed in, prayed to and preached about Jesus.


Brian, you hold a special biblical title.

I do not know if you have honoured the title of Apostle.

I also do not believe you have honoured those Apostles in the Bible before you, who were called by Jesus Christ.

I pray, you come back to Faith.