Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Tena Koutou Iwi Tapu

 I te ingoa o te Matua, o te Tama, o te Wairua Tapu, Tena ano taatou.

He uri a Paapa, no te hapu o Ngati Hikairo ki Manaia. Ko Ngati Maru to matou Iwi.

He uri a Maama, no Ngai Tai ara ko Torere, ko Matata. Tuturu, he paanga hoki ki a Ngati Rangi kei Ngawha. Tona karani paapa no Ngati Hinga, no Ngati Torehina kei Kaihu, ara kei Ngati Whatua. I whanau mai a Maama kei nga rekereke o tana kuia, kei Hokianga. Ko Te Mahurehure, ko Ngati Korokoro ona hapu. Ko Ngapuhi tona Iwi.

Ou matou paanga tauiwi ko nga Hurae, ko Piripina kei Ahia, ko Kotimana, ko Weera, ko Ingarangi ano hoki.

Tena ano taatou katoa.


Nga mate kei a koutou, kei a matou hoki o te ra, o te wiki, o te marama, o te tau e takoto ana ki nga marae. Koutou nga hunga mate, haere, haere haere.

Hoki mai ki a matou nga hunga ora, nga waihotanga o ratou maa, Tena ano taatou.


Koia puu, kua whakatakoto e au i aku paanga katoa ki nga topito o te motu nei, otira o te ao whanui.

He mahi whakawhanaungatanga tenei. Kaore au no Iwi Tapu. No whanau kee, hapu kee, Iwi kee au. No Haahi kee atu hoki. E whakawhanaunga ahau ki a koutou.



Enei kupu, ma koutou.

Ma koutou ou koutou pepeha, purakau ake o Iwi Tapu e takina.

Korero mo to koutou maunga, mo ou koutou awa, mo to koutou moana. Korero mai mo to koutou na waka.

Kei hea teera maunga? Kei hea to koutou awa, moana raini? Kei hea to koutou waka?

Ko wai nga hapuu kei waenganui i a koutou. Ko wai nga marae kei waenganui i a koutou?

Korero mai mo to koutou marae.

Era mea katoa. Korero mai, korero mai, korero mai.

Korero mai mo to koutou rangatira. Ko wai ia?

Mohio pai ko wai te tohunga, engari, ko wai kee ko to koutou rangatira. Rerekee era.

Whakaarohia mo Tainui, ko Hoturoa te tangata, engari ko Hape, ko Rakataura te tohunga?

He aha ta koutou o Iwi Tapu?

Ano ra te patai, mo nga kai korero, me whai tonu ratou i ta Iwi Tapu korero nahenahe?

Whakataha pea i te ratou ake pepeha?

Tera pea kei te whai ou koutou kaikorero i nga mea e rua, te taha Iwi Tapu me ta ratou ake Pepeha?

He aha ta koutou i korero ai? He aha ta koutou i whai ai?

Korero mai, korero mai, korero mai.

Thursday, 20 January 2022


 As early as April 2021, Manurewa Marae was recognised as a Vaccination Centre.


It has received acclaim for it's efforts in the Vaccine Rollout in Counties Manukau. 


Manurewa Marae has been part of the biggest rollout in Auckland.



On the other hand, A Church Leader whose headquarters is in Manurewa has been at the Forefront of the Anti Vaccination Agenda leading several protests to propogate that failed cause.

That Church Leader has now been arrested and is being held in remand at Mt. Eden Correctional Facility.


The Marae was 1.25 Million Taxpayer Dollars on top of Health Funding for all the Vaccinations done.

Despite Receiving over A million dollars in Taxpayer money for Vaccinations performed,

Shockingly the Marae has gone in support of the Anti Vaccination Propaganda Machine causing chaos and disturbance at Mt. Eden. 

Mt. Eden Residents have reported that the Protestors are defecating at Local Businesses AND in the Bushes



Manurewa Residents and People connected to the Marae are now asking....

What kind of confused mess is happening at the Marae ?????