Monday 9 September 2019

Issues at the Heart of the Campaign

TeRata Boldy

Any commentator on the campaign run for the Counties Manukau DHB, knows that as my first campaign, it’s a great undertaking. A lot is being learnt on the go.
One of the things I have learnt is how critical it is to 1. Remain Humble, 2. Have the Campaign be about the Health Issues facing Counties Manukau, nothing else.
The first 1, for any aspiring ‘politician’ is probably the hardest. That’s because the game of politics, sadly involves a lot of, politicking. The thing that makes humility slightly easier though is when one realizes that the objects of said politicking are indeed as human as one self. And thus, if we are all people, all human, it is far greater that in honour of that humanity that we focus on that which holds us up, that which is important to each of us no matter where we stand on this or that issue.
Further, if mistakes have been made or regrets accumulated in the course of a campaign (or in my case campaigns, as in, afew regrets have been accumulated over a couple of campaigns and the last 18+ months) then it is time to mitigate those regrets by returning to THAT positivity that I captivated Party audiences with at my Candidate Selection.
It is time Now to share THAT Passion with the public also. The public not only deserves but expects that I would focus solely on the issues that are important to them.
As a candidate, it is the Health Issues facing Counties Manukau. As a Maori candidate, it is those issues facing Maori health in this region;
It is my hope that in standing for the Counties Manukau DHB, I can highlight these issues but also that I can help in being a voice for Maori on the DHB. Statistics for Maori in Counties Manukau are not great in terms of Health. In 2015, Maori were 66% more likely to get cancer than Non Maori. In 2013 Maori were 2.5 times more likely to be admitted for Mental Health issues. The same period saw Maori having 27% higher hospitalisations than Non Maori.
Therefore going forward, however late in the piece, and candidly, in the view that it is about putting great people forward for the DHB, (people who focus on Counties Manukau Health), I will from now focus fairly and squarely on the issues in this Election.

THOSE Issues demand, and the people suffering at home or in hospital beds demand that I make them the center.

I am blessed with the privilege of good health and holistic wellbeing, the least I can do is use THAT privilege in whatever time I have in this Campaign to actually raise my voice properly and make a real difference.

To be frank, at this stage, it may or may not earn me a seat on the DHB, but as God as my witness, I am going to do things right from now on, because the people deserve this.
Thank you all.

Sunday 1 September 2019

Labour Values in Local Government

There is this idea that 'Big Party Politics should stay out of Local Government'. That idea is usually pushed by pushed by people who are Anti-Labour. 

Labour Candidates tend to be attacked by their opponents for 'Being Labour'. The irony is that those same opponents, generally don't say that they themselves are Anti-Labour or that they vote for or support Groups and Parties who are also Anti-Labour (C&R and National. National and Auckland Future etc etc).
This quick blog entry, seeks to expose that idea as folly.

Not just as a Candidate, but as a person, as a citizen of this nation, I am proud to be Labour, As a resident, I am proud to be Labour.

Those who attack Labour, attack core values that many if not ALL New Zealanders can be proud of;

Political Authority comes from, Universal, Regular and Free Democratic Elections.
* Natural Resources belong to all and should be managed for the benefit of all.
* We are all equal. No matter our cultural, economic, social, or legal background and nobody should be held back because of who they are.
* We should ensure that working together is what drives the local economy and that wealth should be justly distributed.
* All people deserve respect and dignity.
* Anyone can own wealth or property but is is people and justice for all that is most important.
* The Treaty Of Waitangi Should be honoured by Local Government, By Society and By Families.
* Local Communities need to promote Peace and Social Justice.
* Local Government should protect the rights of people, no matter their race, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religious faith, political belief or disabilities.

Wednesday 21 August 2019


Take a look at this link which uses official Council Sources

Stopping the RFT, Also puts a hold on
The Following Projects for South Auckland;

$266 Million Bus Priority Improvements
$163 Million Bus Infrastructure Improvements
$68 Million Airport Access Improvements
$63 Million Park and Ride Improvements
$396 Million Electric Train Improvements
$552 Million to Save Lives through Road Safety
$342 Million Active Transport Improvements
$508 Million Mill Road Corridor
$296 Million for Network Capacity
$300 Million Transport Growth

TOTAL 2954 MILLION LOST if the RFT is gone

Thursday 18 July 2019

Responding to him

This is probably the last ever untouched space where I can freely express in public, but the irony is that this just isn't read enough. Nonetheless, I at least get a response out on public record.

I'm told over and over again, DON'T RESPOND TO HATE from Political Opponents.

But what am I to do, when it comes from one that;

1. I've actually worked with
2. Actually respected in the past
3. Actually voted for in the past

Yeah, that's a tough one.


2013-2014 First met him (may be earlier)

2015 Joined his Facebook Group

2016 - Voted for him

Alongside THIS, there were people in his team who were also meeting me, working with me, having me support them too and we were all working together all along.

Even 2016 and beyond we were working together. I voted for that him and HIS WHOLE TEAM in 2016.

In 2017 I believe, remembering all our work, photos, meetings... and everything over the previous 3 years given that him and his team were  local funders (local Government) I applied for community funding for a community event.

As far as I was concerned, I "dotted every i" and "crossed every t". I know that because I was working with OTHER community minded people that knew him and his team.

WELL..... How wrong I was.

I was crushed when my funding application was rejected. I took it personally. I was dumbfounded.

How is it, after all that work together, meetings, support, team meetings, community stuff... HOW??

How was I now rejected by people that I saw as "Leaders in my community".
I'd not done ANYTHING wrong up to that point. I'd never said anything against them up to that point. In fact, the opposite, I was proud of our photos together, our work, our meetings... all of it. I still am proud that up to this point (when I was rejected).... I had been (I believed) respected. They worked with me (up to this point).

Mid 2017....

I went sad. I remained so...

HOW did they reject me?

WHY did they reject me??

I went through a huge period of self doubt and worry.

In fact, ever since myself and my relationship to this leader and his team has NEVER fully recovered.

I STILL feel rejected and despised by them.

Today, 2 years later in 2019... It's been hard.... we went from friends 3 years ago... to opponents today.

They say I'm an 'attacking troll'....

They say I'm a troll...

But what about all our past photos? Our newspaper articles? The captions and positive comments?
What about our meetings? What about all that's we've PREVIOUSLY DONE together??
I DON'T Even care that the good ideas I shared with them have freely been used and the good work we did together is still used today... because why... because my heart is THAT Big and that open.

I'm NOT some attacking troll...

I'm someone, that was rejected by people I trusted and I looked up to.
This man and his team has my trust, had my confidence, had my belief...

NOW After being rejected by them (to this day, I'm not told WHY I'd been rejected by them)

NOW I just feel used and abused.

Do I regret my anger between 2017 and now.. OF COURSE...

Do I regret and feel remorse for what's taken place (including that which has had me be called a troll) YES!!!!

Worse though, between a rock and a hard place I feel torn as I'm supposed to NOT CARE about people attacking me... and you know what... after publishing this blog entry... I'm going to attempt to give it NO MORE attention or Oxygen.

I'm told I'm supposed to 'rise above the hate'.. and this blog entry is the beginning of the healing... after this it all ends.... no more trolling or anything... I'll do my best...

I will keep positive...

BUT I'll always be confused deep down... or rather I'll probably never know WHY my 'community leaders' rejected me.

I'm allowed to be human....I'm allowed to have feelings... this is how I feel right now....

Ironically as soon as I push 'Publish' it'll all go away and I will likely feel alot better.

I pray for me. I pray for them. I pray for my community.

Friday 7 June 2019

Waatea Interview about Brian Tamaki's Apology and an opinion about the Kohanga Reo Funding Increase

Here is a translation of an Interview I did this week;
* Audio Introduction for Waatea's Show, Manako
Host: Well everyone, we've only just heard from Tunuiarangi Mclean about a recent event held in Mangere, a family friendly event related to Health for Maori. Let's turn now to our next topic/s. There are 2 that we'll speak about, myself and our guest who joins us on the phone, will discuss, Firstly Brian Tamaki's apology to the Gay Community, we'll look at whether or not it was a sincere, heartfelt apology. TeRata Hikairo joins us on the phone. Good Evening TeRata.

TeRata: Good Evening, Greetings.

Host: Greetings. Straight to the topic, that I've just explained. Talking about Brian Tamaki. We'll also talk about 'The Budget', and the funding given by the Government to Kohanga Reo.
First off, Brian Tamaki who has now started to set up a new political Party and he has also now apologised to the Gay Community after what he has been saying to the nation (about the Gay community). My first question; What do you think, where do these (apologies) come from.

TeRata: Sorry, I don't know the Maori word for 'Political Expediency'.  Sorry

Host: Thats OK.

TeRata: Although, what he (Brian) really wants is to increase votes (for his Party). Increasing votes is the reason. All to get votes. We in the Gay Community, don't believe his apologies (sincerity). We don't remotely believe it. That's based on what Rainbow Youth did. They (Rainbow Youth) said what they thought of 2 (people from the Gay community) that attended the Church's event (where the 'apology' took place). We are told that the church gave a donation to those 2. Those 2 thought that they'd donate that money to Rainbow Youth. But, Rainbow Youth refused that donation, based on (Brian Tamakis) who has been verbally abuse for many years. And what he says is not just mere words, he blamed the Gay Community for the EARTHQUAKES. He blamed us as the Gay community for the Earthquakes. So I can not believe this (apology). He just wants to get votes. Listen to THAT Jevan Goulter.

Host: Yes, I agree because many others have said about his verbal abuse to the Gay Community and how they too are also saying that Brian Tamaki is just trying to get votes.


TeRata: Sorry, just to add to that, I feel used.WHO Is Brian Tamaki to use my own community. You know, our community have been the subject of discrimination for a long time and then he goes and uses us like this, use people like this. And why? FOR HIMSELF. For his own votes only. There's no sincerity.

Host: Yes. I not only agree with that, I support what you say there.

TeRata: Thank you.

Host: And also, a perspective to add is how when these kinds of verbal abuse are (directed at people)
how that can affect Mental Health..

TeRata: And lead to suicide.

Host: Yes, Suicide. And there have been examples of that tragedy of suicide. And so, when that kind of abuse gets hurled and definitely leads to those kinds of consequences, right?

TeRata: Thanks for (recognising and) supporting that.

Host: If we move now to our next topic..

TeRata: Yes, Thank you.

Host: As indeed THAT one is quite emotionally charged for both of us, as indeed that topic would do for many people. So now let's look at to 'The Budget' and funding for Kohanga Reo, a nice topic. Kohanga Reo which uplift and support our language.  Our Government have really looked at this, What are your thoughts about this budget?

TeRata: I really acknowledge the Government. Y' know, I've only just returned from the North, my home. I reside in Auckland (but the North is my home). So, I've just returned (to Auckland). As I stand in my marae, I can actually see a very old building. What is that building? Well 25+ years ago, that was my Kohanga Reo. Therefore, it is from there that I draw thoughts (on this topic).  Indeed 25 years ago, I and many others who've now graduated Kohanga Reo, these graduates of Kohanga Reo are NOW, the great young leaders of the modern Maori World. Therefore, this well thought out Government funding for Kohanga Reo. It honours Te Reo Maori to be able to thrive, and for us, for all Maori to thrive. I therefore honour this funding and it's provision. BUT,
Waatea have rung me at the very time I'm still working at School. I'm a High School Teacher. And as I speak to you, I'm pacing our staffroom. I'm working hard here, I may be here till 5 or 6 o clock, at least 3 hours after the students have left. We teachers are still waiting. High School, Wharekura, Kura Kaupapa and Primary School Teachers are still waiting. So, while I love and am happy with the provision for Kohanga Reo whanau, but the majority of us teachers who are in Secondary and Primary we are still waiting. Hey Government we want help too please.

Host: Yes, a very relevant point there. From Kohanga Reo through to the Teachers, there is so much analysis on their issues. and so I certainly hear your concerns (in that regard) and to all the other topics (related). And indeed we really truly acknowledge (the teachers), as we look at their work. I really do hear you.

TeRata: Yes, alot. We have a lot of work. We must really look at this. Not just the Government. Its also the wider community that evaluate us all the time, the same for the (students) families. Undoubtedly when whanau have concerns they come, absolutely they come and ask 'whats happening with my child?' Things like that. Yes, we face alot. Our backs are almost broken now. Obviously though we really care for the families. Thats the very reason, that we put so many hours in to this job, and give more hours to our job than we do to our families. My family at home are still waiting for me. But I am here, putting in an effort for who? For who, for the work, for who, for the students. So we ask the community and for the whanau to think of us too.

Host: I really acknowledge you and for your work TeRata. Time has now run out for us tonight.

TeRata: Thank you. Thanks everyone.

Host: I hope that my relation Willie Jackson is listening, but my friend, Thank you for giving your thoughts on our topics tonight, for everyone. Thanks again

TeRata: Very well, Thank You. Good Night.

Host: Good Night. Well everyone, thats TeRata Hikairo giving his thoughts on the 2 topics tonight. But I'd say we actually discussed 3 topics tonight. We really looked at them and so I acknowledge him for his thoughts and depth of analysis given to Manako tonight. I acknowledge TeRata Hikairo. I'll soon speak to a leader of Ngati Raukawa, Paraone Gloyne about 'Taringa'. Keep listening everyone.

Monday 22 April 2019

The National Party eyes up Maori seats

This article written by Stuff's Carmen Parahi tells us something that this blogger already knew. The National Party, with the political exit of the Maori Party are now starting to eye up the Maori Seats.

They've haven't stood in the Maori seats since 2002 an still have an Anti-Maori Seat policy.

But what does the data say about Maori seat voters and the National Party vote.

Check out the results below from 2017 - 2002:


Te Tai Tokerau
1851 (3rd )
Tamaki Makaurau
1348 (5th )
Hauraki Waikato
1594 (4th )
1139 (4th )
Te Tai Hauauru
1509 (4th )
Ikaroa Rawhiti
1131 (5th )
Te Tai Tonga
3014 (2nd)


Te Tai Tokerau
1938 (6th )
Tamaki Makaurau
1575 (6th )
Hauraki Waikato
1583 (6th )
1120 (6th )
Te Tai Hauauru
1456 (5th )
Ikaroa Rawhiti
1189 (5th )
Te Tai Tonga
2977 (3rd )


Te Tai Tokerau
1814 (5th )
Tamaki Makaurau
1569 (6th )
Hauraki Waikato
1491 (6th )
1068 (6th )
Te Tai Hauauru
1421 (6th )
Ikaroa Rawhiti
1091 (6th )
Te Tai Tonga
2631 (3rd )


Te Tai Tokerau
1883 (3rd )
Tamaki Makaurau
1504 (3rd )
Hauraki Waikato
1347 (3rd )
1075 (4th )
Te Tai Hauauru
1298 (3rd )
Ikaroa Rawhiti
962 (4th )
Te Tai Tonga
2210 (3rd )


Te Tai Tokerau
994 (4th)
Tamaki Makaurau
801 (4th )
774 (4th )
562 (4th )
Te Tai Hauauru
648 (4th )
Ikaroa Rawhiti
499 (4th )
Te Tai Tonga
1462 (3rd )

2002 (Stood Candidates)

Te Tai Tokerau
674 (4th )
Tamaki Makaurau
516 (4th )
582 (5th )
588 (5th)
Te Tai Hauauru
596 (4th)
Ikaroa Rawhiti
515 (4th )
Te Tai Tonga
1083 (4th)


Interestingly, there's been an overall steady increase in the National Party Party vote in the Maori seats, only the most recent elections bucking the trend only slightly (probably due to Jacindamania)

What's also interesting in the particular seat that Jo Hayes wants, is that it did maintain the increasing Party vote for National.
National DOES have a huge track record with Maori and can boast things like;

The U.N.D.R.I.P, Whanau Ora, He Kai Kei Aku Ringa, Te Matawai, WhareWananga, Irirangi Maori, Kohanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa, Treaty Settlements, Maori Council and The Maori Women's Welfare League as some of their achievements for Maori.

They certainly have a great case to put forward for Maori.

Some might argue that given that record, it almost makes no sense why they don't have a higher Maori seat vote.

A few things we do know for sure. Maori tend to vote for other parties (I know I do) , despite the above mentioned achievements.

Nevertheless as a voter, no matter how I personally vote, one thing is for sure, I definitely DO WANT A PROPER CHOICE IN 2020.

And I encourage more parties to stand in the Maori seats. So if that's what National want to do, by all means, go for it.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Brunei's Anti-Gay Laws

Below are the talking points that I used in THIS Live video:

·       I’M NOT MUSLIM…. BUT Am NOT making a statement against Islam or Muslims.
·       I do not encourage people to think that homophobia is inherently PART of the religious teachings of Islam, there are Millions of Gay Muslims around the world… some of them are in the Clergy of Islam…. The most famous one being Imam Nur Warsame in Australia, someone I deeply respect.
·       I AM GAY… So am raising this issue… given that it’s come to my attention.
·       Petitions and Hotel Boycotts look great on the surface BUT… at best only apply economic pressure which MAY strengthen Sultan Bolkiah’s resolve to be MORE oppressive… at worst…. Such petitions are just ineffective virtue signalling…..
·       We cant forget too.. Homophobia IS STILL a sad part even of New Zealand Society… LGBT people are NOT completely free of Discrimination here AND LGBT Youth are still the most likely in NZ to die from Suicide.
·       Level headed approach
·       Fine line between…. Supporting human rights internationally (the right to be respected and not discriminated against, the right to life, the right to fair treatment for LGBT+ People around the world) AND…. Upholding the individual sovereignty of a nation
·       I in THIS instance will HAPPILY stand for the Human Rights of LGBT+ People internationally.
·       Little known fact, the large majority of countries still have laws that oppress LGBT+ countries… this includes ‘progressive Western Nations’…. Not all countries all uniformly and consistently support Same-Sex Marriage, Adoption for Same Sex Couples etc.
·       Brunei is unfortunately not the only country where its illegal to be Gay…. Its illegal to be gay in MANY Pacific nations too…. AND even countries where its NOT explicitly illegal, some countries STILL don’t protect the rights of LGBT+ people
·       I personally believe that direct actions might be MORE effective…. Or AT LEAST Raise awareness for Sultan Bolkiah

As such, I propose direct calling his office on +673 2224645 OR +673 2229988

To tell him and his officials exactly what we think…. Let us be under NO Illusion… we may not save the lives of LGBT People in Brunei…. Or we may…

DEFINITELY Apply direct pressure…. To Sultan Bolkiah