Friday 7 June 2019

Waatea Interview about Brian Tamaki's Apology and an opinion about the Kohanga Reo Funding Increase

Here is a translation of an Interview I did this week;
* Audio Introduction for Waatea's Show, Manako
Host: Well everyone, we've only just heard from Tunuiarangi Mclean about a recent event held in Mangere, a family friendly event related to Health for Maori. Let's turn now to our next topic/s. There are 2 that we'll speak about, myself and our guest who joins us on the phone, will discuss, Firstly Brian Tamaki's apology to the Gay Community, we'll look at whether or not it was a sincere, heartfelt apology. TeRata Hikairo joins us on the phone. Good Evening TeRata.

TeRata: Good Evening, Greetings.

Host: Greetings. Straight to the topic, that I've just explained. Talking about Brian Tamaki. We'll also talk about 'The Budget', and the funding given by the Government to Kohanga Reo.
First off, Brian Tamaki who has now started to set up a new political Party and he has also now apologised to the Gay Community after what he has been saying to the nation (about the Gay community). My first question; What do you think, where do these (apologies) come from.

TeRata: Sorry, I don't know the Maori word for 'Political Expediency'.  Sorry

Host: Thats OK.

TeRata: Although, what he (Brian) really wants is to increase votes (for his Party). Increasing votes is the reason. All to get votes. We in the Gay Community, don't believe his apologies (sincerity). We don't remotely believe it. That's based on what Rainbow Youth did. They (Rainbow Youth) said what they thought of 2 (people from the Gay community) that attended the Church's event (where the 'apology' took place). We are told that the church gave a donation to those 2. Those 2 thought that they'd donate that money to Rainbow Youth. But, Rainbow Youth refused that donation, based on (Brian Tamakis) who has been verbally abuse for many years. And what he says is not just mere words, he blamed the Gay Community for the EARTHQUAKES. He blamed us as the Gay community for the Earthquakes. So I can not believe this (apology). He just wants to get votes. Listen to THAT Jevan Goulter.

Host: Yes, I agree because many others have said about his verbal abuse to the Gay Community and how they too are also saying that Brian Tamaki is just trying to get votes.


TeRata: Sorry, just to add to that, I feel used.WHO Is Brian Tamaki to use my own community. You know, our community have been the subject of discrimination for a long time and then he goes and uses us like this, use people like this. And why? FOR HIMSELF. For his own votes only. There's no sincerity.

Host: Yes. I not only agree with that, I support what you say there.

TeRata: Thank you.

Host: And also, a perspective to add is how when these kinds of verbal abuse are (directed at people)
how that can affect Mental Health..

TeRata: And lead to suicide.

Host: Yes, Suicide. And there have been examples of that tragedy of suicide. And so, when that kind of abuse gets hurled and definitely leads to those kinds of consequences, right?

TeRata: Thanks for (recognising and) supporting that.

Host: If we move now to our next topic..

TeRata: Yes, Thank you.

Host: As indeed THAT one is quite emotionally charged for both of us, as indeed that topic would do for many people. So now let's look at to 'The Budget' and funding for Kohanga Reo, a nice topic. Kohanga Reo which uplift and support our language.  Our Government have really looked at this, What are your thoughts about this budget?

TeRata: I really acknowledge the Government. Y' know, I've only just returned from the North, my home. I reside in Auckland (but the North is my home). So, I've just returned (to Auckland). As I stand in my marae, I can actually see a very old building. What is that building? Well 25+ years ago, that was my Kohanga Reo. Therefore, it is from there that I draw thoughts (on this topic).  Indeed 25 years ago, I and many others who've now graduated Kohanga Reo, these graduates of Kohanga Reo are NOW, the great young leaders of the modern Maori World. Therefore, this well thought out Government funding for Kohanga Reo. It honours Te Reo Maori to be able to thrive, and for us, for all Maori to thrive. I therefore honour this funding and it's provision. BUT,
Waatea have rung me at the very time I'm still working at School. I'm a High School Teacher. And as I speak to you, I'm pacing our staffroom. I'm working hard here, I may be here till 5 or 6 o clock, at least 3 hours after the students have left. We teachers are still waiting. High School, Wharekura, Kura Kaupapa and Primary School Teachers are still waiting. So, while I love and am happy with the provision for Kohanga Reo whanau, but the majority of us teachers who are in Secondary and Primary we are still waiting. Hey Government we want help too please.

Host: Yes, a very relevant point there. From Kohanga Reo through to the Teachers, there is so much analysis on their issues. and so I certainly hear your concerns (in that regard) and to all the other topics (related). And indeed we really truly acknowledge (the teachers), as we look at their work. I really do hear you.

TeRata: Yes, alot. We have a lot of work. We must really look at this. Not just the Government. Its also the wider community that evaluate us all the time, the same for the (students) families. Undoubtedly when whanau have concerns they come, absolutely they come and ask 'whats happening with my child?' Things like that. Yes, we face alot. Our backs are almost broken now. Obviously though we really care for the families. Thats the very reason, that we put so many hours in to this job, and give more hours to our job than we do to our families. My family at home are still waiting for me. But I am here, putting in an effort for who? For who, for the work, for who, for the students. So we ask the community and for the whanau to think of us too.

Host: I really acknowledge you and for your work TeRata. Time has now run out for us tonight.

TeRata: Thank you. Thanks everyone.

Host: I hope that my relation Willie Jackson is listening, but my friend, Thank you for giving your thoughts on our topics tonight, for everyone. Thanks again

TeRata: Very well, Thank You. Good Night.

Host: Good Night. Well everyone, thats TeRata Hikairo giving his thoughts on the 2 topics tonight. But I'd say we actually discussed 3 topics tonight. We really looked at them and so I acknowledge him for his thoughts and depth of analysis given to Manako tonight. I acknowledge TeRata Hikairo. I'll soon speak to a leader of Ngati Raukawa, Paraone Gloyne about 'Taringa'. Keep listening everyone.

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