Monday 9 September 2019

Issues at the Heart of the Campaign

TeRata Boldy

Any commentator on the campaign run for the Counties Manukau DHB, knows that as my first campaign, it’s a great undertaking. A lot is being learnt on the go.
One of the things I have learnt is how critical it is to 1. Remain Humble, 2. Have the Campaign be about the Health Issues facing Counties Manukau, nothing else.
The first 1, for any aspiring ‘politician’ is probably the hardest. That’s because the game of politics, sadly involves a lot of, politicking. The thing that makes humility slightly easier though is when one realizes that the objects of said politicking are indeed as human as one self. And thus, if we are all people, all human, it is far greater that in honour of that humanity that we focus on that which holds us up, that which is important to each of us no matter where we stand on this or that issue.
Further, if mistakes have been made or regrets accumulated in the course of a campaign (or in my case campaigns, as in, afew regrets have been accumulated over a couple of campaigns and the last 18+ months) then it is time to mitigate those regrets by returning to THAT positivity that I captivated Party audiences with at my Candidate Selection.
It is time Now to share THAT Passion with the public also. The public not only deserves but expects that I would focus solely on the issues that are important to them.
As a candidate, it is the Health Issues facing Counties Manukau. As a Maori candidate, it is those issues facing Maori health in this region;
It is my hope that in standing for the Counties Manukau DHB, I can highlight these issues but also that I can help in being a voice for Maori on the DHB. Statistics for Maori in Counties Manukau are not great in terms of Health. In 2015, Maori were 66% more likely to get cancer than Non Maori. In 2013 Maori were 2.5 times more likely to be admitted for Mental Health issues. The same period saw Maori having 27% higher hospitalisations than Non Maori.
Therefore going forward, however late in the piece, and candidly, in the view that it is about putting great people forward for the DHB, (people who focus on Counties Manukau Health), I will from now focus fairly and squarely on the issues in this Election.

THOSE Issues demand, and the people suffering at home or in hospital beds demand that I make them the center.

I am blessed with the privilege of good health and holistic wellbeing, the least I can do is use THAT privilege in whatever time I have in this Campaign to actually raise my voice properly and make a real difference.

To be frank, at this stage, it may or may not earn me a seat on the DHB, but as God as my witness, I am going to do things right from now on, because the people deserve this.
Thank you all.

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