Tuesday 27 August 2024

100th Entry... Also reflections

 (TW: Trauma, Hurt, Fear, Worry, Sexuality, Marginalization)


11 years of Blogging. Wow!!!

And, what may be my 100th Entry. WOW!!!


I do want to use this space ... given that it's mine to write about things.

First of all... as if...

Research Life... Balancing Work... Whanau Life etc 

Was not enough....

Once again....

Other things creep in!!!!

I have been in and out of Church for YEARS!!!

And many different churches.

Often... having to move... too...

Some times because of theology...

But one core issue that has impacted my membership and participation in Churches over many years has been... hokakatanga... takātapuitanga.

In some instances it has meant the approach of Conversion Therapy!!!!

In other cases... tacit punitive action dressed up as 

"Loving concern" but more an exercise on the Churches part to protective a "Conservative public image"


The latter in very very recent years.

That same Church has a REALLY TOXIC Dangerous approach... because frankly while they let some

Of the obvious ones like Brian Tamaki spout Conservatism...

They IN ACTUAL FACT... Hold the same position,

 but tacitly. And in fact... while they DON'T March in the Streets or jump on the airwaves...

Their tactics like "quietly taking people of the Music stage" or "Giving people a break from Serving" is


That Church knows who it is.... I won't say the name... But they do share Theological Whakapapa

And literal history with Destiny... as... NZs other "Apostolic Movement".


Any way...

That church joins a long list of Churches I had to withdraw from as it was unsafe for mainly that reason.


Right NOW!!!!

Today in August 2024...

I worship in another tradition altogether.

One... in the throes of approaching the whole conversation of Hokakatanga.

They are brave and courageous!!!

I applaud the Anglican Communion across the world for being brave enough to approach this.

YES... There are varied views and major issues.

BUT As a Communion... they are at a

Communion Level (International)

Provincial Level (National)

Diocesan Level (Regional)

And Parish Level (Local) ...

Approaching the Conversation.



I utterly APPLAUD!!!!!!


I only offer...

A prayer... that we manaaki all involved.

I for one... pray that for us...

And for me too...

As presently... things are getting a bit tough...

Being in this conversation.


I do have personal supports...

But yeah... 

Would appreciate all levels and types of Christian

Support, Prayer and Love...

As things are a bit full right now.... as we walk through these spaces.

1 comment:

  1. Well... weeks later... and I am still coming to terms with the most recent iteration of the marginalizing AND Clear exclusion of Rainbow people. .... I feel numb... sad... fearful and frankly HEAVY... After it was decided today that these very things might be perpetuated. ... stilpl feeling it. Aue
