Wednesday 18 December 2013


For the first time in my life, I was a voter in Local Body Elections.

This means that I participated in the democratic process of electing the members and leaders of my local municipal body. My right to vote is part of Human Rights, guaranteed to me by the United Nations. No one ANYWHERE, has any right to take Mine away.


There are many many things that local councils take care of. Here in Auckland New Zealand where we have a Supercity council, which in recent years meant that there was the amalgamation of 4+ councils in to 1 council.


The [new] Auckland council is responsible for Our Parks, Our Community centres, Some Gyms, Pools, Playgrounds, Roads, Public Transport, Sewerage, Water, Carparks, Resource consents for building etc etc.


The powers of council, and all subsidiary organisations are wide.


And thus the idea that we, the voters of this municipality CAN and do vote… is indeed an idea that is founded in the very essence of democracy. All voters value their rights to vote. In some countries, people DIE for this right. It is crucial to our society.


Especially for New Zealand’s central economic hub, and being home to 25% of the nation’s population, it brings on even MORE Importance.


Again, Our right to vote in our municipal elections is crucial to the running of our democratic society.



I OPENLY Challenge anybody who wishes to usurp my rights!!!!


Anyone who wishes to disrupt my rights, by thinking they can replace/depose a Mayor who was DULY Elected….. Without the full, informed consent of ALL AUCKLAND VOTERS [Yes… hundreds of thousands of people in the nation’s LARGEST City] MUST Expect THEMSELVES to punished either by the Law or the fury of people hungry to hold on to their human right to democracy.


BRING IT!!!!!!!!

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