Friday 23 December 2016

Muslim perspective of Christmas

Before I start, this is my personal Muslim view of Christmas.
It is not a report on what Islam does or does not teach about Christmas.
It is not an official statement for ALL Muslims.
It is my personal view.

There are a wide range of views of Christmas for Muslims.

Ranging from the 'It is forbidden to celebrate' to 'It's OK, no worries'.

Both have legitimacy.

Fatwa's against Christmas usually stem from the view that Christmas celebrations usually just spiral in to drinking alcohol and being silly, behaiviour that Islam condemns.

The view too, that there is nothing wrong with wearing Santa hats and taking the day off, is also pretty true in so much as neither of these things ACTUALLY should do anything to the faith of a Muslim.

My personal view is shaped by the fact that all of my family celebrate Christmas in some way, with the gift giving, the food, the whole things. And as a gesture of love and goodwill I join in. I am not worried and joining in has no bearing on my Islaam.

I believe in the virgin birth of Jesus as espoused in the Quran. Neither the Quran nor the Bible actually say  was on December 25th, but for the sake of unity and blog-length, that doesn't matter here.

My religion just doesn't teach about or say anything about Christmas or it's celebration, or Santa, or anything.

Christmas for Muslims, from a religious stand point is not really a thing.
Muslims don't celebrate the birthday of Jesus and many don't even observe the birthday of Muhammad (peace be upon them).

A Muslim home will probably not make a big deal out of Christmas as it just isn't a Muslim celebration.

Muslims won't really disrespect Christmas either, and in some Muslim countries, there are even displays

So that's really all there is to say.

Muslim's don't make a big deal personally out of Christmas, but respect the rights of others to celebrate Christmas if they wish.

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